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Abstract and symbolic execution notes (with possible application on reverse engineering)

This post will be probably a too ambitious one, since I'm going to write about a very theoretical aspect of computation, in particular the so called abstract interpretation: for now let me just say that this field tries to give the best possible answer to unsolvable characterization of computer programs.

Another point of view that I want to address is the use of this kind of analysis with reverse engineering, since a lot of aspects between these two kind of analysis are shared.

This post will have pretty mathematical formalism but should be readable enough also without a PhD.


As a first thing to start thinking about code we need to define what is a program: let me show you a grammar of a pseudo-C language:

$$ \begin{array} {rlll} \mathsf{S} & ::= & \mathsf{x = A} \\ & | & ; \\ & | & \mathsf{{\bf if}\, (B)\, S} \\ & | & \mathsf{{\bf if}\, (B)\, S\, {\bf else}\, S} \\ & | & \mathsf{{\bf while}\, (B)\, S} \\ & | & \mathsf{{\bf break} ; } \\ & | & \mathsf{\{ Sl \} } \\ \mathsf{Sl} & ::= &\mathsf{Sl}\; \mathsf{S}\;|\,\epsilon \\ \mathsf{P} & ::= &\mathsf{Sl} \\ \end{array} $$

We'll use this grammar to define a structural analysis of the code, a pseudo-recursive approach: to understand what I mean, let's start with the simplest analysis possible, i.e., how many statements there are in the program; obviously you would think that simply counting the "lines" should suffice, but we can instead define the counting in a structural way, starting from the terminals, i.e. the statements themselves

$$ \begin{array} {rlll} \mathsf{S} & ::= & \mathsf{x = A} & \hbox{count}(\mathsf{S}) = 1 \\ \mathsf{Sl} & ::= & \mathsf{Sl}^\prime\;\mathsf{S} & \hbox{count}(\mathsf{Sl})=\hbox{count}(\mathsf{Sl}^\prime) + \hbox{count}(\mathsf{S}) \\ \mathsf{S} & ::= & \mathsf{{\bf if}\, (B)\, S_t} & \hbox{count}(\mathsf{S}) = \hbox{count}(\mathsf{S_t}) + 1 \\ \mathsf{S} & ::= & \mathsf{{\bf if}\, (B)\, S_t\, {\bf else}\, S_f} & \hbox{count}(\mathsf{S}) = \hbox{count}(\mathsf{S_t}) + \hbox{count}(\mathsf{S_f}) + 2 \\ \mathsf{S} & ::= & \mathsf{{\bf while}\, (B)\, S_b} & \hbox{count}(\mathsf{S}) = \hbox{count}(\mathsf{S_b}) + 1 \\ \end{array} $$

This works because since a program it's a finite set of statements, there are finite numbers of steps to reach the terminating elements of the grammar.

Now, for something more interesting that will come in hand later, we can associate at each structure a control flow graph: these diagrams show the \(\mathsf{\bf if}\), \(\mathsf{\bf if else}\) and \(\mathsf{\bf while}\) diagramatical structure

    head: if (B)

    [*] --> head

    head --> [*]

    head --> S: true
    S --> [*]

    head: if (B)
    left: S
    right: S

    [*] --> head

    head --> left: false

    head --> right: true
    right --> [*]
    left --> [*]

    head: while (B)
    body: S

    [*] --> head

    head --> body: true
    body --> head

    head --> [*]: false

Now, using structural analysis, it's possible to deduce that relationship between the number of entering and exiting edges in a particular block

$$ \begin{array} {rlll} \mathsf{S} & ::= & \mathsf{x = A} & \sharp\hbox{out}(\mathsf{S}) = 1 \\ \mathsf{Sl} & ::= & \mathsf{Sl}^\prime\;\mathsf{S} & \sharp\hbox{in}(\mathsf{Sl})=\sharp\hbox{in}(\mathsf{Sl}^\prime),\;\sharp\hbox{out}(\mathsf{Sl}) = \sharp\hbox{out}(\mathsf{S}) \\ \mathsf{S} & ::= & \mathsf{{\bf if}\, (B)\, S_t} & \sharp\hbox{out}(\mathsf{S}) = \sharp\hbox{out}(\mathsf{S_t}) + 1 \\ \mathsf{S} & ::= & \mathsf{{\bf if}\, (B)\, S_t\, {\bf else}\, S_f} & \sharp\hbox{out}(\mathsf{S}) = \sharp\hbox{out}(\mathsf{S_t}) + \sharp\hbox{out}(\mathsf{S_f}) \\ \mathsf{S} & ::= & \mathsf{{\bf while}\, (B)\, S_b} & \sharp\hbox{out}(\mathsf{S}) = 1 \\ \end{array} $$

and in particular it's obvious that the convergence node of an \(\mathsf{\bf if}\) block might have a number of entering edges without an upper bound.

Note: you can build directly the flowchart from the CFG.

With this we can assume that the final CFG is composed of nodes that have at most two exiting edges but an unlimited number of entering edges.

But, the important fact is that the control flow instructions are the ones with the two exiting edges, where the while is identifiable by a returning edge but the if is recognizable from the two different paths converging to the same exit node. Obviously goto are not take into consideration, but in our case it's not part of the language.

Abstract interpretation and lattices

What is abstract interpretation and why we should care? to answer this you should know that from theoretical computation studies it's known that it's impossible to build a program that is able to extract information of another program unless it's a trivial property.

This doesn't mean that we cannot know anything about a given program, simply that we must accept the fact the we have to approximate something.

The following in this section is an overview of the formalism needed to actually talk about what means "approximate". It's pretty much taken from two books: the most formal book on the subject "Principles of abstract interpretation" by Patrick Cousot (if you are not a math-person avoid it, it's practically a book about proving theorems) and "Static program analysis" by Anders Møller and Michael I. Schwartzbach, an openly available book that you can find here. The last one is more accessible (it's still pretty formal though).

Let's start with the simplest of the examples (it's the first example in any book about this stuff :P) i.e. the study of the "sign": we know that a variable representing an integer can assume three possible values with respect to the sign, it can be positive, negative or be zero.

With repect to multiplication this "classification" behaves well

$$ \begin{array} {r|ccc} * & + & 0 & - \\ \hline + & + & 0 & - \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ - & - & 0 & + \\ \end{array} $$

but not the addition

$$ \begin{array} {r|ccc} + & + & 0 & - \\ \hline + & + & + & ? \\ 0 & + & 0 & - \\ - & ? & - & - \\ \end{array} $$

since summing two integers with opposite signs can have all the prossible outcomes, this means that we lose any information possible. Moreover this means that every further calculation needs to take that into account (note how in the particular case of multiplication, whatever value is multiplied by zero, it becomes zero).

To formalize mathematically this concept of "anything" we introduce the symbol \(\top\) (you can read it as "top") representing the set of all possible values in this representation (we are talking about signs, so it's the set \(\{+,0,-\}\)) that roughly speaking means "I don't know what value actually is". Let's also introduce the symbol \(\bot\) (you can read it as "bottom") to indicate values that are not numbers (think about pointers or unreachable variables).

This allows us to formalize our reasoning defining an abstract domain composed by five symbols \(\{+, 0, -, \top, \bot\}\) that we can arrange in the following manner

$$ \begin{matrix} && \top & \\ &\huge\diagup & \huge| & \huge\diagdown \\ + & & 0 & & -\\ &\huge\diagdown & \huge| & \huge\diagup \\ &&\bot \end{matrix} $$

where the elements are ordered vertically with regard of "approximation"; let's define an ordering via the operator \(\sqsubseteq\): when \(x\sqsubseteq y\) we say that \(y\) is a safe approximation of \(x\), or that \(x\) is at least as precise as \(y\). In this case we have \(+\sqsubseteq\top\). A set with such operator is called poset (Partial order set). Let me introduce this space:

Posets: a poset \(\langle\mathbb{P}\sqsubseteq\rangle\) is a set \(\mathbb{P}\) with a partial order \(\sqsubseteq\) that is

  • Reflexive: \(\forall x\in\mathbb{P}.x\sqsubseteq x\)
  • Antisymmetric: \(\forall x,y\in\mathbb{P}.\left((x\sqsubseteq y)\wedge(y\sqsubseteq x)\right)\Rightarrow(x = y)\)
  • Transitive: \(\forall x,y,z\in\mathbb{P}.\left((x\sqsubseteq y)\wedge(y\sqsubseteq z)\right)\Rightarrow(x \sqsubseteq z)\)

Note: not every couple of elements are supposed to have a well defined relation with respect to the operator \(\sqsubseteq\): if for a couple of element \(x,y\in\mathbb{P}\) we have \(x\sqsubseteq\) or \(y\sqsubset x\) we say that are comparable, otherwise they are incomparable. When in a poset all the elements are comparable we have a poset that is total.

Let \(\langle \mathbb{P}, \sqsubseteq\rangle\) be a poset and \(S\in \wp(\mathbb{P})\) be a subset.This subset \(S\) has

  • upper bound \(u\) iff \(u\in\mathbb{P}\) and \(\forall x\in S.x\sqsubseteq u\)
  • a least upper bound (lub, indicated \(\sqcup S\)) iff \(\sqcup S\) is an upper bound of \(S\) smaller than other upper bound of \(S\). \(\sqcup\{x, y\}\) is denoted with the infix notation \(x\sqcup y\)

The intuition around posets is that they abstract set theory, where \(\sqsubseteq\) is the analogous of \(\subseteq\) and \(\sqcup\), \(\sqcap\) have as "dual" \(\cup\) and \(\cap\).

Finite posets \(\langle \mathbb{P}, \sqsubseteq\rangle\) can be represented by Hassle diagrams, which is a set of points \(\{p_x | x\in P\}\) in the plan such that

  • if \(x \sqsubset y\) then \(p_x\) is strictly below \(p_y\) and
  • \(p_x\) and \(p_y\) are linked by a segment when \(x \lessdot y\) (\(y\) covers \(x\)) where \(x\lessdot y \triangleq x\sqsubset y\wedge \not\exists z\in P.x\sqsubset z\wedge z\sqsubset y\).

Note: two unlinked elements are incomparable.

$$ \begin{array}{ccl} x\sqcap x = x & x\sqcup x = x & \hbox{idempotency} \\ x\sqcap y = y \sqcap x & x\sqcup y = y \sqcup x & \hbox{commutativity} \\ x\sqcap (y\sqcap z) = (x\sqcap y)\sqcap z & x\sqcup (y\sqcup z) = (x\sqcup y)\sqcap z & \hbox{associativity} \\ (x\sqcap y)\sqcup x = x & (x\sqcup y)\sqcap x = x & \hbox{absorpsion} \\ \end{array} $$

soundness: the results are always correct

completeness: all true facts are provable

Soundness (\(\Longleftarrow\)) states that if a statement is proved bythe proof method then that statement is true. Completeness (\(\Longrightarrow\)) states that the proof method is always applicable to prove a true statement.

If you think it's useless stuff, you know, vulnerabilities come from it

$$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} A @>a>> B\\ @V b V V @VV c V\\ C @>>d> D \end{CD} $$


Properties can be understood as the set of mathematical objects that have this property, e.g

$$ 2\mathbb{Z} = \left\{x\in\mathbb{Z}\,|\,\exists k\in\mathbb{Z}.x=2k\right\} $$

hence if \(P\) is a property then \(x\in P\) means "\(x\) has property \(P\)".

Under this interpretation, logical implication is subset inclusion: as an example

$$ \hbox{"to be greater than 42 implies to be positive"} \Longleftrightarrow \{x\in\mathbb{Z}\,|\,x\gt42\}\subseteq\{x\in\mathbb{Z}\,|\,x\geq0\} $$

In the expression \(P\subseteq Q\), \(P\) is said to be stronger/more precise since its property is satisfied by less elements.

To refer to the abstract domain of sign, we can associate to each abstract sign a set represented by the elements in \(\mathbb{Z}\) that have such property, i.e.

$$ \lt \,\sim\,\{x\in\mathbb{Z}\,|\,x\lt0\} $$

Another example is the property to be an integer constant, that is espressed by the set

$$ \left\{\left\{ n\right\}\,|\,n\in\mathbb{Z}\right\} $$

Liveness and safeness properties

There are two properties that are fundamental:

  • liveness: something "good" must happen during execution
  • safeness: anything "bad" doesn't happen during execution

Let me borrow an example from the seminal paper that defined these concepts, using a producer/consumer:

it consists of a producer process which puts messages into a buffer and a
consumer process which removes the messages. We assume that the buffer can
hold at most \\(b\\) messages, \\(b\qeq1\\). The processes must be
synchronized so the producer doesn't try to put a message into a buffer if
there is no room for it, and the consumer doesn't try to remove a message
that has not yet been produced

Let's implement these entities using a buffer \(B\) of dimension \(b\) using as references respectively to the sent and received messages with the variables \(s\) and \(r\): when a producer wants to send a message it puts it into \(B[s\mod b]\) and the consumers takes it from \(B[r \mod b]\).

while (1) {
    while ((s - r) % b == 0 && r != s)

    s = s + 1;

The following diagrams explain the cfg of producer and consumer:

    main: while (1)
    head: s - r mod b = 0 and r != s
    message: deliver message
    cursor: s = s + 1

    [*] --> main
    main --> head
    head --> message: false
    message --> cursor
    cursor --> main
    head --> head: true

    main: while (1)
    head: s - r mod b = 0 and r == s
    message: receive message
    cursor: r = r + 1

    [*] --> main
    main --> head
    head --> message: false
    message --> cursor
    cursor --> main
    head --> head: true

Now, we define \(n = s - r\) as the number of messages in the buffer, to prove the desired safety property we need to prove that \(0\leq n\leq b\) holds for the execution of the entire program. Here program is the combined execution of these two processes.

An assertion is a logical function of program variables and tokens positions and it's said to be invariant if it's always true during the execution of the program.

An interpretation of a program is an assignment of an assertion to each arc of the cfg. We say that the program is in a legitimate state if each token is on an arc whose interpretation is true. The interpretation is said to be invariant if the program always remains in a legitimate state throughout its execution.

So, under these definitions, proving the program correctness can be done verifying the following conditions:

  1. the program starts in a legitimate state
  2. during execution it remains in a legitimate state, i.e. if at a certain moment it's in a legitimate state, any execution step will leave it in a legitimate state.

Turing my beloved

Assume \(\hbox{termination}(P)\) would always terminate and returns true iff \(P\) always terminates on all input data; the following statement is a contradiction

$$ P = \mathsf{\bf while}(\hbox{termination}(P)); $$

Structural deductive stateless prefix trace semantics

This is from chapter 6 of PoAI;

  • Stateless: does not register the values of variables
  • Structural: by induction on the program syntax
  • Deductive: the semantics of each program component is specified by a deductive system of axioms and rules of inference, a program execution being a proof in such a system.


A trace is a finite sequence of configurations (labels) separated by actions. We let \(\trace^+\) be the set of finite traces, \(\trace^\infty\) be the set of infinite traces and \(\trace^{+\infty}\buildrel\triangle\over=\trace^+\cup\trace^\infty\)

\(\def\action#1{\xrightarrow{\hspace{1cm}\displaystyle{#1}\hspace{1cm}}}\) \(\def\l#1{\vphantom{x}^{#1}}\) \(\def\pijoin{\buildrel\frown\over\cdot}\)

$$ \pi_1\l{l_1}\pijoin\l{l_2}\pi_2=\cases{ \pi_1\l{l_1}\pi_2 \,\hbox{when}\,\l{l_1}=\l{l_2}\cr \hbox{undefined when }\,\l{l_1}\not=\l{l_2}\cr } $$

$$ \action{\pi_1}\underbrace{\hbox{at}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\action{\pi_2}l}_{\displaystyle\in\mathcal{S}^\star[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\left( \pi_1\hbox{at}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!] \right)} $$

Because \(\mathbb{T}\longrightarrow\wp(\mathbb{T^\star})\) is isomorph to \(\wp(\mathbb{T}^+\times\mathbb{T}^\star)\) then we can write

$$ \mathcal{S}^{\hat\star}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!] = \left\{\langle\pi,\pi^\prime\rangle\,|\,\pi\in\trace^+\wedge\pi^\prime\in\mathcal{S}^\star[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\pi\right\} $$

so that \(\mathcal{S}^{\star}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\) is the right image of \(\mathcal{S}^{\hat\star}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\)

Maximal trace semantics

A trace is maximal when it's finite and represents an execution that terminates or it is infinite and represents an execution that doesn't terminate. Maximal finite traces of statements are prefix executions that exit the statement. $$ \mathcal{S}^{\infty}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\left( \pi^l \right) \buildrel\triangle\over= \lim\left( \mathcal{S}^{\star}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\left( \pi^l \right) \right) $$

$$ \mathcal{S}^{+}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\left(\pi_1\hbox{at}[ \![\mathsf{S}]\!]\right) \buildrel\triangle\over= \left\{ \pi^{\phantom{2}l}_2\in\mathcal{S}^{\star}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!](\pi_1\hbox{at}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!])\,|\, \vphantom{\pi}^l=\hbox{after}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\vee\left(\hbox{escape}[\![S]\!] \wedge\vphantom{\pi}^l=\hbox{break-to}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\right) \right\} $$

$$ \eqalign{ \mathcal{S}^{+\infty}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\left(\pi^l\right) & \buildrel\triangle\over= \mathcal{S}^{+}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\left(\pi^l\right) \cup \mathcal{S}^{\infty}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\left(\pi^l\right) \\ \mathcal{S}^{+\infty}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\Pi & \buildrel\triangle\over= \bigcup\left\{ \mathcal{S}^{+\infty}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\left(\pi^l\right) \, | \, \pi^l\in\Pi \right\} \\ \mathcal{S}^{+\infty}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!] & \buildrel\triangle\over= \mathcal{S}^{+\infty}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\left( \mathbb{T}^+ \right) \\ \mathcal{S}^{+\infty}[\![\mathsf{P}]\!] & \buildrel\triangle\over= \mathcal{S}^{+\infty}[\![\mathsf{S}]\!]\left( \left\{ \hbox{at}[\![\mathsf{P}]\!] \right\}\right) \\ } $$


In our syntax is not included explicitely the execution of subroutine but this should not be a problem since you can think of that as a sub-CFG implictily defined by that instruction.

CFG from instructions

In a more abstract sense some code is a sequence of instructions, in this context I'm going to talk about binary code, i.e. code that is usually represented and stored via bits and organized in a flat way.

To clarify: in general the following argument could apply also to source code (in particular control flow and stuff) but it's a little more complex since allow for nesting and it's explicit about the "intended" code, but here I'm more interested in reconstructing it. Moreover, the compiler is doing in reverse what in general a decompiler is trying to do.

The core point here is that, being the instructions laid out one after the other, some of them must handle the control flow and these are the instructions we are interested in studying, at least as appetizer: let's organize the instruction based on their behaviour with respect to control flow

  • standard: the large majority of instructions flow to the next instruction
  • jump: unconditional jump
  • branch: conditional jump if some condition holds, otherwise fallthrough
  • call: invokes a function
  • return: transfer back control to the caller

Note: we can create a taxonomy for classes of instructions, first with the subdivision "standard"/"control flow", then the latter can be subdivided again in "intra"/"extra"-procedural, where calls and returns create a context that is not present with jmps and branches.

If we abstract each instruction as a vertex and we set directed edges between an instruction and its (possible) successors we obtain what is called a control flow graph (CFG from now on), this is the next step after having disassembled your code.

Take in mind that usually the analysis is done at function level, if you encounter a call instruction, you treat it like a standard one, if you encounter a return instruction you set the corresponding vertex as an end point.

Two particular vertices are the entry point and the exit, the first is usually not explicitely indicated in binary code and it's a challenging problem by itself to find it, the latter is usually represented by the return instruction. Calling functions is not usually included in the CFG, that generates another graph of its own, the call graph.

Note: obviously in real code you can have signals and exceptions or interrupts that go against this reasoning.

Note: there are cases where a stream of bytes can have different interpretation regarding the instructions in it, I'm looking at you x86. In particular, a jump can reach in the "middle" of another possible instruction creating a different interpretation.

It's possible to transform a little the graph, grouping instructions in regions having a single entry point and a single exit point: the so called basic blocks.

The first instruction in them is named leader, the last instruction is the tail. The leader is either the first instruction in a program, the target of a jump, branch or call, or the fall-through instruction of a non-taken branch. Instructions of type jump, branch, call and return cannot be followed by any other instruction in a block.

So at the end, basic blocks are blocks of instructions connected by branches and are a less grained representation of a CFG; loops are obvious in such representation.

Intermediate language

But there is much more: in the last post about reversing C++ code with ghidra I also talked about the capabilities of the tools to "abstract away" the actual instructions and via Pcode that is an intermediate language used by ghidra to have a common language for all the architecture it understands.

A lot of tools have an intermediate language (IL) or intermediate representation (IR) used for their own purposes and here I'm talking about tools that are not even reverse engineering tools: for example

  • LLVM
  • Binary Ninja
  • radare2
  • IDA

Whatever language you use to encode the binary instructions, exists a representation the in invariant and that is used to extract core information about the flow of execution.


It uses definition in SLEIGH, it's human readable; P-code is a Register Transfer Language: each native instruction is translated in (possibly) multiple p-code operations that takes parts of the processor state as input and output variables (so called Varnodes).

The p-code obtained from direct translation is referred to as raw but can be further refined and exist additional operations that are not available initially.

Take in mind that all p-code operations are associated with the address of the original instruction they were translated from. For a single instruction, a counter is used to enumerate the multiple p-code operations involved in the translation. The address and this counter, as a pair, are referred with the name of sequence number.

The core p-code defined are the following (here the documentation)

Name Arguments Description
COPY input0 output output = input
LOAD input0 input1 output output = *input or output = *[input0]input1
STORE input0 input1 input2 *input1 = input2 or *[input0] = input2
BRANCH input0 goto input0
CBRANCH input0 input1 if (input1) goto input0
BRANCHIND input0 goto [input0]
CALL input0 ... call [input0]
CALLIND input0 ... call [input0]
RETURN input0 ... return [input0]
   PUSH               RBP
(unique, 0xea00, 8) = COPY (register, 0x28, 8)
(register, 0x20, 8) = INT_SUB (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x8, 8)
STORE (const, 0x1b1, 8), (register, 0x20, 8), (unique, 0xea00, 8)
   MOV                RBP,RSP
(register, 0x28, 8) = COPY (register, 0x20, 8)
   SUB                RSP,0x20
(register, 0x200, 1) = INT_LESS (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x20, 8)
(register, 0x20b, 1) = INT_SBORROW (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x20, 8)
(register, 0x20, 8) = INT_SUB (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x20, 8)
(register, 0x207, 1) = INT_SLESS (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x0, 8)
(register, 0x206, 1) = INT_EQUAL (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x0, 8)
(unique, 0x12e80, 8) = INT_AND (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0xff, 8)
(unique, 0x12f00, 1) = POPCOUNT (unique, 0x12e80, 8)
(unique, 0x12f80, 1) = INT_AND (unique, 0x12f00, 1), (const, 0x1, 1)
(register, 0x202, 1) = INT_EQUAL (unique, 0x12f80, 1), (const, 0x0, 1)
   MOV                dword ptr [RBP + local_1c],EDI
(unique, 0x3100, 8) = INT_ADD (register, 0x28, 8), (const, 0xfffffffffff
(unique, 0xbf00, 4) = COPY (register, 0x38, 4)
STORE (const, 0x1b1, 4), (unique, 0x3100, 8), (unique, 0xbf00, 4)
   MOV                qword ptr [RBP + local_28],RSI
(unique, 0x3100, 8) = INT_ADD (register, 0x28, 8), (const, 0xfffffffffff
(unique, 0xc000, 8) = COPY (register, 0x30, 8)
STORE (const, 0x1b1, 4), (unique, 0x3100, 8), (unique, 0xc000, 8)
   MOV                RAX,qword ptr [RBP + local_28]
(unique, 0x3100, 8) = INT_ADD (register, 0x28, 8), (const, 0xfffffffffff
(unique, 0xc000, 8) = LOAD (const, 0x1b1, 4), (unique, 0x3100, 8)
(register, 0x0, 8) = COPY (unique, 0xc000, 8)
   ADD                RAX,0x8
(register, 0x200, 1) = INT_CARRY (register, 0x0, 8), (const, 0x8, 8)
(register, 0x20b, 1) = INT_SCARRY (register, 0x0, 8), (const, 0x8, 8)
(register, 0x0, 8) = INT_ADD (register, 0x0, 8), (const, 0x8, 8)
(register, 0x207, 1) = INT_SLESS (register, 0x0, 8), (const, 0x0, 8)
(register, 0x206, 1) = INT_EQUAL (register, 0x0, 8), (const, 0x0, 8)
(unique, 0x12e80, 8) = INT_AND (register, 0x0, 8), (const, 0xff, 8)
(unique, 0x12f00, 1) = POPCOUNT (unique, 0x12e80, 8)
(unique, 0x12f80, 1) = INT_AND (unique, 0x12f00, 1), (const, 0x1, 1)
(register, 0x202, 1) = INT_EQUAL (unique, 0x12f80, 1), (const, 0x0, 1)
   MOV                RAX,qword ptr [RAX]
(unique, 0xc000, 8) = LOAD (const, 0x1b1, 4), (register, 0x0, 8)
(register, 0x0, 8) = COPY (unique, 0xc000, 8)
   MOV                RDI,RAX
(register, 0x38, 8) = COPY (register, 0x0, 8)
   CALL               <EXTERNAL>::atoi
(register, 0x20, 8) = INT_SUB (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x8, 8)
STORE (const, 0x1b1, 8), (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x10117b, 8)
CALL (ram, 0x101050, 8)
   MOV                dword ptr [RBP + index],EAX
(unique, 0x3100, 8) = INT_ADD (register, 0x28, 8), (const, 0xfffffffffff
(unique, 0xbf00, 4) = COPY (register, 0x0, 4)
STORE (const, 0x1b1, 4), (unique, 0x3100, 8), (unique, 0xbf00, 4)
   MOV                EAX,dword ptr [RBP + index]
(unique, 0x3100, 8) = INT_ADD (register, 0x28, 8), (const, 0xfffffffffff
(unique, 0xbf00, 4) = LOAD (const, 0x1b1, 4), (unique, 0x3100, 8)
(register, 0x0, 4) = COPY (unique, 0xbf00, 4)
(register, 0x0, 8) = INT_ZEXT (register, 0x0, 4)
   CMP                EAX,0x2
(register, 0x200, 1) = INT_LESS (register, 0x0, 4), (const, 0x2, 4)
(register, 0x20b, 1) = INT_SBORROW (register, 0x0, 4), (const, 0x2, 4)
(unique, 0x29000, 4) = INT_SUB (register, 0x0, 4), (const, 0x2, 4)
(register, 0x207, 1) = INT_SLESS (unique, 0x29000, 4), (const, 0x0, 4)
(register, 0x206, 1) = INT_EQUAL (unique, 0x29000, 4), (const, 0x0, 4)
(unique, 0x12e80, 4) = INT_AND (unique, 0x29000, 4), (const, 0xff, 4)
(unique, 0x12f00, 1) = POPCOUNT (unique, 0x12e80, 4)
(unique, 0x12f80, 1) = INT_AND (unique, 0x12f00, 1), (const, 0x1, 1)
(register, 0x202, 1) = INT_EQUAL (unique, 0x12f80, 1), (const, 0x0, 1)
   JBE                LAB_0010119c
(unique, 0xca00, 1) = BOOL_OR (register, 0x200, 1), (register, 0x206, 1)
CBRANCH (ram, 0x10119c, 8), (unique, 0xca00, 1)
   LEA                RAX,[s_forbidden!_0010200d]

(register, 0x0, 8) = COPY (const, 0x10200d, 8)
   MOV                RDI=>s_forbidden!_0010200d,RAX
(register, 0x38, 8) = COPY (register, 0x0, 8)
   CALL               <EXTERNAL>::puts

(register, 0x20, 8) = INT_SUB (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x8, 8)
STORE (const, 0x1b1, 8), (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x101195, 8)
CALL (ram, 0x101030, 8)
   MOV                EAX,0x1

(register, 0x0, 8) = COPY (const, 0x1, 8)
   JMP                LAB_001011d0
BRANCH (ram, 0x1011d0, 8)
   MOV                EAX,dword ptr [RBP + index]
(unique, 0x3100, 8) = INT_ADD (register, 0x28, 8), (const, 0xfffffffffff
(unique, 0xbf00, 4) = LOAD (const, 0x1b1, 4), (unique, 0x3100, 8)
(register, 0x0, 4) = COPY (unique, 0xbf00, 4)
(register, 0x0, 8) = INT_ZEXT (register, 0x0, 4)
(register, 0x0, 8) = INT_SEXT (register, 0x0, 4)
   LEA                RDX,[RAX*0x8]

(unique, 0x3680, 8) = INT_MULT (register, 0x0, 8), (const, 0x8, 8)
(register, 0x10, 8) = COPY (unique, 0x3680, 8)
   LEA                RAX,[messages]

(register, 0x0, 8) = COPY (const, 0x104030, 8)
   MOV                RAX=>messages,qword ptr [RDX + RAX*0x1]
(unique, 0x3300, 8) = INT_MULT (register, 0x0, 8), (const, 0x1, 8)
(unique, 0x3400, 8) = INT_ADD (register, 0x10, 8), (unique, 0x3300, 8)
(unique, 0xc000, 8) = LOAD (const, 0x1b1, 4), (unique, 0x3400, 8)
(register, 0x0, 8) = COPY (unique, 0xc000, 8)
   MOV                RSI,RAX
(register, 0x30, 8) = COPY (register, 0x0, 8)
   LEA                RAX,[s_message:_'%s'_00102018]

(register, 0x0, 8) = COPY (const, 0x102018, 8)
   MOV                RDI=>s_message:_'%s'_00102018,RAX
(register, 0x38, 8) = COPY (register, 0x0, 8)
   MOV                EAX,0x0

(register, 0x0, 8) = COPY (const, 0x0, 8)
   CALL               <EXTERNAL>::printf

(register, 0x20, 8) = INT_SUB (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x8, 8)
STORE (const, 0x1b1, 8), (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x1011cb, 8)
CALL (ram, 0x101040, 8)
   MOV                EAX,0x0

(register, 0x0, 8) = COPY (const, 0x0, 8)
(register, 0x20, 8) = COPY (register, 0x28, 8)
(register, 0x28, 8) = LOAD (const, 0x1b1, 8), (register, 0x20, 8)
(register, 0x20, 8) = INT_ADD (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x8, 8)
(register, 0x288, 8) = LOAD (const, 0x1b1, 8), (register, 0x20, 8)
(register, 0x20, 8) = INT_ADD (register, 0x20, 8), (const, 0x8, 8)
RETURN (register, 0x288, 8)

Ghidra's decompiler implementation

On Debian gradle is at version 4 but it requires version 7 :P

export PATH=/opt/gradle-7.5.1/bin:$PATH export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/javac | sed "s:/bin/javac::")

be sure to have openjdk17

These are my personal notes about the implementation of the decompiling process in ghidra, it's not authoritative and could be all a fever dream from my side, take it with a grain of salt.

First of all, ghidra is built using two different languages, C++ for the core analysis and Java for firther manipulation and the application itself: user interface, plugins etc...

The decompiler it's written in C++, it's possible to compile it separately using the following encantation

$ cd Ghidra/Features/Decompiler/src/decompile/cpp
$ make decomp_dbg
$ export SLEIGHHOME=~/git/ghidra/
$ ./decomp_dbg 

but ghidra itself calls it via the DecompInterface class that in reality uses a client in C++ located at Ghidra/Features/Decompiler/src/decompile/cpp/ that registers the following commands

  • registerProgram
  • deregisterProgram
  • flushNative
  • decompileAt: decompile a specific function
  • structureGraph
  • setAction
  • setOptions

(if you want to know more details you can look at the source code that has a lot of comments); you can find here where it calls decompileAt

The communication is done via XML with the actual decompiler process that is implemented

Ghidra/Features/Decompiler/src/decompile/cpp/ is the client The actual binary is named decompile (at ./Ghidra/Features/Decompiler/build/os/linux_x86_64/decompile)

the command line decompiler is implemented in Ghidra/Features/Decompiler/src/decompile/cpp/

Obviously you need to registerProgram before

    protected void initializeProcess() throws IOException, DecompileException {
        if (decompCallback == null) {
            throw new IOException("Program not opened in decompiler");
        if (decompProcess == null) {
            decompProcess = DecompileProcessFactory.get();
        else if (!decompProcess.isReady()) {
            decompProcess = DecompileProcessFactory.get();
        long uniqueBase = UniqueLayout.SLEIGH_BASE.getOffset(pcodelanguage);
        XmlEncode xmlEncode = new XmlEncode();
        pcodelanguage.encodeTranslator(xmlEncode, program.getAddressFactory(), uniqueBase);
        String tspec = xmlEncode.toString();
        String coretypes = xmlEncode.toString();
        SleighLanguageDescription sleighdescription =
            (SleighLanguageDescription) pcodelanguage.getLanguageDescription();
        ResourceFile pspecfile = sleighdescription.getSpecFile();
        String pspecxml = fileToString(pspecfile);
        String cspecxml = xmlEncode.toString();

        decompProcess.registerProgram(decompCallback, pspecxml, cspecxml, tspec, coretypes,
  • @param pspecxml = string containing .pspec xml
    • @param cspecxml = string containing .cspec xml
      • @param tspecxml = XML string containing translator spec
      • @param coretypesxml = XML description of core data-types

./Ghidra/Processors/x86/data/languages/x86.pspec ./Ghidra/Processors/x86/data/languages/x86.ldefs ./Ghidra/Processors/x86/data/languages/x86.slaspec ./Ghidra/Processors/x86/data/languages/x86.opinion ./Ghidra/Processors/x86/data/languages/x86.sla





void RegisterProgram::rawAction(void)
   ghidra = new ArchitectureGhidra(pspec,cspec,tspec,corespec,sin,sout);


Now, the title of this section can be puzzling, why theorems? remember when I told you that every basic block controlling the flow of the code has a logic condition at end? this means that a continous path from vertex \(A\) to vertex \(B\) is practically "building" a formula using boolean conditions.

Let me step back a little to explain some maths to you

  • SAT: Boolean Satisfability Problem, i.e. determining if there exists an interpretation that satisfies a given boolean formula.
  • SMT: Satisfability Modulo Theory, an extension of SAT
  • BMC: Bounded Model Checking

  • Introduction to SMT with Z3

Experiment with ghidra

Since I'm interested to practical applications but I want to be able to use this mechanism directly while I'm reverse engineering code with ghidra, I want a way to "lift" the Pcode as logical expression and work on that.

It's not a difficult task, I mean, Pcode has not many instructions and it's a tedious but doable task, for example maat does that but it's C++ but fortunately for me someone has done that in Java, a tool named, GhiHorn, thanks to the magic of Jython I can use directly from the console since the classes are defined as public, take note that here however we are using the Java's APIs (here the documentation)

>>> from import GhiHornSimpleDecompiler
>>> from import GhiHornifierBuilder
>>> from import GhiHornApiDatabase
>>> apiDatabase = GhiHornApiDatabase(GhiHornSimpleDecompiler())
>>> hornifier = SimpleHornifier("kebab")
>>> hornifier.setDecompiler(GhiHornSimpleDecompiler())
>>> hornifier.setEntryPoint(toAddr(0x0101149))
>>> hornifier.setApiDatabase(apiDatabase)
>>> hornifier.hornify(currentProgram, ConsoleTaskMonitor())
 * Expressions that represent a p-code operation. They basically have the form:
 * out = OP(in...)
public class PcodeExpression implements HornExpression {

If I place the cursor on the uvar1 < 4 block of this code

int main(int argc,char **argv)

    uint uVar1;
    int jim;

    uVar1 = atoi(argv[1]);
    if (uVar1 < 4) {
    return 0;

I can extract the logic expression from the Pcode

>>> from import PcodeExpression
>>> currentLocation.getToken().getPcodeOp()
(unique, 0xcb80, 1) INT_LESS (register, 0x0, 4) , (const, 0x4, 4)
>>> pcode = currentLocation.getToken().getPcodeOp()
>>> expr = PcodeExpression(pcode)
>>> expr.getOperation()
uVar1@main!cast_argv < const=4

seems pretty ok, I want to investigate a little more, in particular I'm interested to see if it's encoded as an unsigned operation

>>> type(expr)
<type ''>
>>> expr.getComponents()
array(, [uVar1@main!cast_argv, const=4])
>>> expr.getComponents()[0]
>>> var = expr.getComponents()[0]
>>> var.getDataType()
>>> expr.getOperation().getClass()
<type ''>

and indeed, from the last line, it is!

Now I want to use it

>>> from import GhiHornContext
>>> ctx = GhiHornContext()
>>> solver = ctx.mkSolver()
>>> type(solver)
<type ''>
>>> instance = expr.instantiate(ctx)
>>> instance
(= bVar148@main!cast_argv (bvult uVar1@main!cast_argv #x0000000000000004))
>>> type(instance)
<type ''>
>>> solver.add(instance)
>>> solver.check()
>>> model = solver.getModel()
>>> model
(define-fun uVar1@main!cast_argv () (_ BitVec 64)
(define-fun bVar148@main!cast_argv () Bool

Now, listen, I know that Java is shit so I'm teaching a neat trick to export all, from Java

>>> print solver.toString()
(declare-fun bVar145@main!array () Bool)
(declare-fun uVar1@main!array () (_ BitVec 64))
(assert (= bVar145@main!array (bvult uVar1@main!array #x0000000000000003)))
(model-add bVar145@main!array
           (not (bvule #x0000000000000003 uVar1@main!array)))

you can import into python

In [1]: import z3

In [2]: s = z3.Solver()

In [3]: s.from_string("(declare-fun bVar145@main!array () Bool)\n(declare-fun uVar1@main!array () (_ BitVec 64))\n(assert (= bVar145@main!array (bvult uVar1@main!array #x0000000000000003)))\n(model-add bVar145@main!array\n ()\n ...:           Bool\n           (not (bvule #x0000000000000003 uVar1@main!array)))\n")

In [4]: print(s)
[bVar145@main!array == ULT(uVar1@main!array, 3)]


  • Maybe having a distribution of the input and looking for the element in the tail of such distribution. Note here the "right" or "compliant" input is tricky: in theory everything accepted is compliant.
  • Try to build a finite state machine from the CFG
struct {
    size_t length;
    char payload[];
} miao_t

void do_something(char* buffer, miao_t* m) {
    size_t length = m->length - sizeof(m->head);

    memcpy(buffer, m->payload, length);

here, with the assumption that the attacker controls the m variable in its entirety, the obvious vulnerability is that if m->length is less than the size in bytes of the field head then an underflow happens.

But if the attacker controls the two arguments, i.e. the two pointers now you have a read/write primitive :)



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