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ELF file format and a pratical study of the execution view

This post is a work in progress, so if you find it incomplete and not readable probably it's not finished yet. I prefer to publish a little before than leave a post to rust in my drafts.

In the post about pratical approach to binary exploitation I talked of how an executable is a memory archive describing a (future) running process. In this post I want to study how this memory archive is loaded in memory in a Linux system, in particular my interest will be directed upon the most used format in *nix system, i.e. the Executable and linkage format (ELF); for other systems, different formats are used: for example the Mac OS X uses the Mach format and the Windows OS uses the PE format. It's reasonable to say that each platform has its own format, and it's the main reason of compatibility issue in running binaries between different operating systems.

The actual specification for ELF is here but each specific architecture has its own addendum to it (I hope will be more clear later). Probably they are not the most updated one though (ARM I'm looking at you).

What we need from the OS

To understand what is needed to "cook a process" I need to describe how an executable "connects" with the OS (where with "OS" I mean a kernel implementing memory, process and privileges management, not a real time OS where, I know I'm over-simplifying, is pratically possible to do anything).

The only way a process can interact with the OS is using the so called syscalls: they are in practice the API of the OS; probably you haven't ever invoked directly a syscall in your code but used the standard libraries that your distribution provides; if you are a mainstream person, you are using the glibc as standard C library.

This adds a layer of complexity to all the execution-time concept: who is going to "connect" the library with your executable? the answer is the loader: when the kernel tries to start an ELF file, it loads the needed parts in memory and then it passes the execution to this program that will "resolve" the missing dots and returns to the initial process starting point.

This doesn't apply to executable compiled statically, where the "resolution" is done at compile time and all the libraries' code is contained in the executable itself.

Obviously the interpreter must be a binary without external reference otherwise would be a recursive task to solve.

This complication is necessary since it allows to avoid including the code of the needed libraries on all executables, reducing disk footprint; this by the way has also effect on memory usage: thanks to the way paging works, a library loaded in memory for a given executable can be used for another executable without re-loading it from disk and without allocating new memory! This is why a process has three different memory associated with it, i.e. resident, shared and virtual.

First look at an ELF

To understand why the format is the way it is, you need to understand that this format serves two main scopes: one at compilation time and one at runtime, or the linking view and execution view.

In this discussion I'm more interested in the execution view, but I will need to talk a little bit also of the linking view.

First of all the specification describes the fundamental data types that are used on disk

Name Purpose
Elf32_Addr Unsigned program address
Elf32_Half Unsigned medium integer
Elf32_Off Unsigned file offset
Elf32_Sword Signed large integer
Elf32_Word Unsigned large integer
unsigned char Unsigned smal integer

i.e. offsets, addresses and generic integers.

Note: take in consideration that in this post I'll use the definitions for the 32bit architectures, the 64bit ones are different but the meaning of each struct remains the same; just keep in mind that corresponding structs could have the fields ordered differently, just saying ;)

The binary format is composed of three parts: the header, the sections, and the segments. The last two have headers of their own.

The header simply describes the major information regarding the executable file, like entry point, architecture, endianess etc... and its definition is the following

#define EI_NIDENT (16)

typedef struct
  unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT]; /* Magic number and other info */
  Elf32_Half    e_type;         /* Object file type */
  Elf32_Half    e_machine;      /* Architecture */
  Elf32_Word    e_version;      /* Object file version */
  Elf32_Addr    e_entry;        /* Entry point virtual address */
  Elf32_Off e_phoff;        /* Program header table file offset */
  Elf32_Off e_shoff;        /* Section header table file offset */
  Elf32_Word    e_flags;        /* Processor-specific flags */
  Elf32_Half    e_ehsize;       /* ELF header size in bytes */
  Elf32_Half    e_phentsize;        /* Program header table entry size */
  Elf32_Half    e_phnum;        /* Program header table entry count */
  Elf32_Half    e_shentsize;        /* Section header table entry size */
  Elf32_Half    e_shnum;        /* Section header table entry count */
  Elf32_Half    e_shstrndx;     /* Section header string table index */
} Elf32_Ehdr;

you can see it using the readelf(1) command with the -h option

$ $ readelf -h public/code/simplest_excalation 
Intestazione ELF:
  Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  Classe:                            ELF32
  Dati:                              complemento a 2, little endian
  Version:                           1 (current)
  SO/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
  Versione ABI:                      0
  Tipo:                              EXEC (file eseguibile)
  Macchina:                          Intel 80386
  Versione:                          0x1
  Indirizzo punto d'ingresso:        0x8049090
  Inizio intestazioni di programma   52 (byte nel file)
  Inizio intestazioni di sezione:    16636 (byte nel file)
  Flag:                              0x0
  Size of this header:               52 (bytes)
  Size of program headers:           32 (bytes)
  Number of program headers:         11
  Size of section headers:           40 (bytes)
  Number of section headers:         35
  Section header string table index: 34

explaining all the entries is out of scope of this post: here I'm interested only in what affects directly the runtime of a process, so in this case I want to know the point from which starts the execution of the program (indicated by the field e_entry) and where to look for the portions of the application to be loaded in memory (described by the program header that starts at offset e_phoff and contains e_phnum entries of size e_phentsize each).

The sections are more a compiler concept and are not directly connected to the process runtime, however the tools involved with the ELF treat them as a first-citizen subject and this some times can be misleading.


What a program header describes is a segment, i.e., a portion of the file loaded at a given address at runtime, or some metadata about it. This last point will be clear in a moment.

The data type describing it is the following

typedef struct{
    Elf32_Word  p_type;
    Elf32_Off   p_offset;
    Elf32_Addr  p_vaddr;
    Elf32_Addr  p_paddr;
    Elf32_Word  p_filesz;
    Elf32_Word  p_memsz;
    Elf32_Word  p_flags;
    Elf32_Word  p_align;
} Elf32_Phdr;

a brief description of the meaning of each field is in the following table

Field Description
p_type type of segment (see table below)
p_offset position in the file
p_vaddr virtual address (the real virtual address could be different)
p_paddr physical address
p_filesz size of the segment in the file
p_memsz size of the segment in memory (can be different from p_filesz)
p_flags indicate RWX permissions
p_align indicate the alignment

What each segment does is indicated by the field p_type that can assume one of the following values (this list is not complete since there are values architecture specific):

Type Descriptor
PT_NULL this entry can be ignored
PT_LOAD loadable segment
PT_DYNAMIC contains the dynamic linking information
PT_INTERP contains the path of the interpreter.
PT_NOTE contains auxiliary information
PT_SHLIB reserved
PT_PHDR indicates the program header

for now is important to know the PT_INTERP indicates the path of the loader to the kernel and that PT_LOAD indicates that the segment has to be loaded in memory. You can use readelf(1) as in the example below to see them:

$ readelf --segments public/code/simplest_excalation 
Intestazioni di programma:
  Tipo           Offset   IndirVirt  IndirFis   DimFile DimMem  Flg Allin
  PHDR           0x000034 0x08048034 0x08048034 0x00160 0x00160 R   0x4
  INTERP         0x000194 0x08048194 0x08048194 0x00013 0x00013 R   0x1
      [Requesting program interpreter: /lib/]
  LOAD           0x000000 0x08048000 0x08048000 0x0032c 0x0032c R   0x1000
  LOAD           0x001000 0x08049000 0x08049000 0x002b8 0x002b8 R E 0x1000
  LOAD           0x002000 0x0804a000 0x0804a000 0x001a4 0x001a4 R   0x1000
  LOAD           0x002f0c 0x0804bf0c 0x0804bf0c 0x00118 0x0011c RW  0x1000
  DYNAMIC        0x002f14 0x0804bf14 0x0804bf14 0x000e8 0x000e8 RW  0x4
  NOTE           0x0001a8 0x080481a8 0x080481a8 0x00044 0x00044 R   0x4
  GNU_EH_FRAME   0x002024 0x0804a024 0x0804a024 0x0004c 0x0004c R   0x4
  GNU_STACK      0x000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000 0x00000 RWE 0x10
  GNU_RELRO      0x002f0c 0x0804bf0c 0x0804bf0c 0x000f4 0x000f4 R   0x1

 Mappatura da sezione a segmento:
  Sezioni del segmento...
   01     .interp 
   02     .interp .note.ABI-tag .gnu.hash .dynsym .dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt 
   03     .init .plt .text .fini 
   04     .rodata .eh_frame_hdr .eh_frame 
   05     .init_array .fini_array .dynamic .got .got.plt .data .bss 
   06     .dynamic 
   07     .note.ABI-tag 
   08     .eh_frame_hdr 
   10     .init_array .fini_array .dynamic .got

Important note: the segment of type PT_DYNAMIC is not directly loaded in memory as such, it's only used as reference by who needs relocation info; its content it's mapped in the last PT_LOAD segment (in this example, I don't know if it's the general case), indeed if you notice the range of the addresses of the PT_DYNAMIC is comprised inside the last PT_LOAD. This is clear if you look in the mapping sections<->segments in which .dynamic appears two times!

Look Ma' the code: kernel side

If you want to know precisely how the kernel loads the ELF and calls the executable, wait no more and look at fs/binfmt_elf.c in the Linux source code: below the stripped down code where is clear that the kernel loads the interpreter and the passes to it the execution (look at the elf_entry variable)

static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_binprm *bprm)
    struct {
        struct elfhdr elf_ex;
        struct elfhdr interp_elf_ex;
    } *loc;
    /* Get the exec-header */
    loc->elf_ex = *((struct elfhdr *)bprm->buf);
    elf_phdata = load_elf_phdrs(&loc->elf_ex, bprm->file);
    if (!elf_phdata)
        goto out;
    for (i = 0; i < loc->elf_ex.e_phnum; i++) {
        if (elf_ppnt->p_type == PT_INTERP) {

            elf_interpreter = kmalloc(elf_ppnt->p_filesz,
            interpreter = open_exec(elf_interpreter);                    [0]


    /* Do this so that we can load the interpreter, if need be.  We will
       change some of these later */
    retval = setup_arg_pages(bprm, randomize_stack_top(STACK_TOP),       [1]
    /* Now we do a little grungy work by mmapping the ELF image into
       the correct location in memory. */
    for(i = 0, elf_ppnt = elf_phdata;
        i < loc->elf_ex.e_phnum; i++, elf_ppnt++) {
        int elf_prot = 0, elf_flags, elf_fixed = MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE;
        unsigned long k, vaddr;
        unsigned long total_size = 0;

        if (elf_ppnt->p_type != PT_LOAD)                                 [2a]
        error = elf_map(bprm->file, load_bias + vaddr, elf_ppnt,         [2b]
                elf_prot, elf_flags, total_size);
    if (elf_interpreter) {
        unsigned long interp_map_addr = 0;

        elf_entry = load_elf_interp(&loc->interp_elf_ex,                 [3]
                        load_bias, interp_elf_phdata);
        if (!IS_ERR((void *)elf_entry)) {
             * load_elf_interp() returns relocation
             * adjustment
            interp_load_addr = elf_entry;
            elf_entry += loc->interp_elf_ex.e_entry;                     [4a]
    } else {
        elf_entry = loc->elf_ex.e_entry;                                 [4b]
    retval = arch_setup_additional_pages(bprm, !!elf_interpreter);       [5]
    if (retval < 0)
        goto out;

    retval = create_elf_tables(bprm, &loc->elf_ex,                       [6]
              load_addr, interp_load_addr);
    current->mm->end_code = end_code;                                    [7a]
    current->mm->start_code = start_code;
    current->mm->start_data = start_data;
    current->mm->end_data = end_data;
    current->mm->start_stack = bprm->p;

    if ((current->flags & PF_RANDOMIZE) && (randomize_va_space > 1)) {
        current->mm->brk = current->mm->start_brk =                      [7b]
    start_thread(regs, elf_entry, bprm->p);

Indeed at [0] the kernel opens the file containing the loader, meanwhile it loops over the segment of type PT_LOAD ([2a]) and maps it in user space([2b]); the entry point of the application is set to that indicated by the interpreter ([4a]) or to the executable ([4b]).

Moreover at [7a] the process memory mapping is set and in particular if the system is configured in such way the heap is randomized ([7b]).

A little note about three particular functions that appear:

  • setup_arg_pages()([1]): setup the stack for the process (randomizing it)
  • arch_setup_additional_pages() ([5]): create the virtual gate for the syscall (the virtual library named
  • create_elf_tables() ([6]): put the argc, argv and envp in the stack for the program and then the auxiliary vector information in the stack just after the previous; this is the data with which the kernel communicates with the program and with the loader

At this point the execution flow switches from the kernel, high privileged code, to user-land where the loader will try to resolve the libraries and symbols. If you want a more elaborated description of what happens during an execve() this article by LWN is enough to get started.

Note: have you notice that the kernel doesn't care at all of the sections of the executable?

Dynamic loader stuff

Before I pass to analyze the loader and its code, we need to talk a little more about the segment with type PT_DYNAMIC: it contains an array of elements (_DYNAMIC) described using the following data type

typedef struct{
    Elf32_Sword d_tag;
        Elf32_Word d_val;
        Elf32_Addr d_ptr;
    } d_un;
} Elf32_Dyn;

externElf32_Dyn _DYNAMIC[]

the d_tag field indicates the purpouse of the entry as indicated in the following (uncomplete) table:

Type Description
DT_NULL This element marks the end of the _DYNAMIC array.
DT_NEEDED This element holds the string table offset of a null-terminated string, giving the name of a needed library. The offset is an index into the table recorded in the DT_STRTAB entry
DT_STRTAB This element holds the address of the string table. Symbol names, library names, and other strings reside in this table.
DT_STRSZ the size of the string table
DT_SYMTAB This element holds the address of the symbol table
DT_SYMENT the size of an entry in the symbol table
DT_INIT address of the initialization function
DT_FINI address of the de-initialization function
DT_INIT_ARRAY address of an array of initialization functions (it's not described in the original specification)
DT_FINI_ARRAY address of an array of de-initialization functions (it's not described in the original specification)
DT_PLTGOT holds an address associated with the procedure linkage table and/or the global offset table
DT_PLTREL specifies the type of relocation entry to which the procedure linkage table refers
DT_JMPREL If present, this entries’ d_ptr member holds the address of relocation entries associated solely with the procedure linkage table.

Note that DT_JMPREL and DT_PLTGOT are both relocations; separating these relocation entries lets the dynamic linker ignore them during process initialization, if lazy binding is enabled. In the linker source code is indicated that DT_JUMPREL portion can be inside the DT_PLTGOT part (at the end of it) or out of it (with the end of the second matching the start of it or totally disconnected). DT_JMPREL points to the PLT and its size is indicated by DT_PLTRELSZ

Note that can exist more than one section containing relocation tables but in the dynamic segment are only one containing all of them; in particular relocations in object files are united by the linker (during compilation).

The .got and .plt sections with type SHT_PROGBITS hold two separate tables: the global offset table and the procedure linkage table. The architecture-specific document (Chapter 3) discusses how programs use the global offset table for position-independent code.

Obviously you can see this information for an ELF file using our friend readelf(1)

$ readelf -d public/code/simplest_excalation 

Dynamic section at offset 0x2f14 contains 24 entries:
  Tag        Tipo                         Nome/Valore
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Libreria condivisa: []
 0x0000000c (INIT)                       0x8049000
 0x0000000d (FINI)                       0x80492a4
 0x00000019 (INIT_ARRAY)                 0x804bf0c
 0x0000001b (INIT_ARRAYSZ)               4 (byte)
 0x0000001a (FINI_ARRAY)                 0x804bf10
 0x0000001c (FINI_ARRAYSZ)               4 (byte)
 0x6ffffef5 (GNU_HASH)                   0x80481ec
 0x00000005 (STRTAB)                     0x804827c
 0x00000006 (SYMTAB)                     0x804820c
 0x0000000a (STRSZ)                      89 (byte)
 0x0000000b (SYMENT)                     16 (byte)
 0x00000015 (DEBUG)                      0x0
 0x00000003 (PLTGOT)                     0x804c000
 0x00000002 (PLTRELSZ)                   32 (byte)
 0x00000014 (PLTREL)                     REL
 0x00000017 (JMPREL)                     0x804830c
 0x00000011 (REL)                        0x8048304
 0x00000012 (RELSZ)                      8 (byte)
 0x00000013 (RELENT)                     8 (byte)
 0x6ffffffe (VERNEED)                    0x80482e4
 0x6fffffff (VERNEEDNUM)                 1
 0x6ffffff0 (VERSYM)                     0x80482d6
 0x00000000 (NULL)                       0x0

Loader's code path for libraries resolution

Now I'm going to follow the code run by the loader, I know that it is pretty difficult to follow (for my own fault) and skip it freely if you want, I'm doing this only in order to try to improve my understanding.

The code here is from the glibc but obviously they exist other loaders; in a Debian system is possible to obtain the source code with apt source libc6. Remember that loader and libc must match otherwise you will obtain a segmentation fault: use the following one liner to launch a program with a custom loader and/or libc

$ /path/to/loader --library-path path/to/dir/containing/libc <executable>

bad enough this will result in a static execution. To debug with source code you can use the gdb --args prefix launching it from the root directory of the unziped debian package; the entry point is dl_main().

The fundamental data type used in the following analysis is the struct link_map, it represents a shared library loaded by the loader:

/* Structure describing a loaded shared object.  The `l_next' and `l_prev'
   members form a chain of all the shared objects loaded at startup.

   These data structures exist in space used by the run-time dynamic linker;
   modifying them may have disastrous results.

   This data structure might change in future, if necessary.  User-level
   programs must avoid defining objects of this type.  */

struct link_map
    /* These first few members are part of the protocol with the debugger.
       This is the same format used in SVR4.  */

    ElfW(Addr) l_addr;      /* Difference between the address in the ELF
                   file and the addresses in memory.  */
    char *l_name;       /* Absolute file name object was found in.  */
    ElfW(Dyn) *l_ld;        /* Dynamic section of the shared object.  */
    struct link_map *l_next, *l_prev; /* Chain of loaded objects.  */

    /* All following members are internal to the dynamic linker.
       They may change without notice.  */

    /* Indexed pointers to dynamic section.
       [0,DT_NUM) are indexed by the processor-independent tags.
       [DT_NUM,DT_NUM+DT_THISPROCNUM) are indexed by the tag minus DT_LOPROC.
       indexed by DT_VERSIONTAGIDX(tagvalue).
       indexed by DT_VALTAGIDX(tagvalue) and
       are indexed by DT_ADDRTAGIDX(tagvalue), see <elf.h>.  */

              + DT_EXTRANUM + DT_VALNUM + DT_ADDRNUM];
    const ElfW(Phdr) *l_phdr;   /* Pointer to program header table in core.  */
    ElfW(Addr) l_entry;     /* Entry point location.  */
    ElfW(Half) l_phnum;     /* Number of program header entries.  */
    ElfW(Half) l_ldnum;     /* Number of dynamic segment entries.  */

    /* Array of DT_NEEDED dependencies and their dependencies, in
       dependency order for symbol lookup (with and without
       duplicates).  There is no entry before the dependencies have
       been loaded.  */
    struct r_scope_elem l_searchlist;

    /* We need a special searchlist to process objects marked with
       DT_SYMBOLIC.  */
    struct r_scope_elem l_symbolic_searchlist;

    /* Dependent object that first caused this object to be loaded.  */
    struct link_map *l_loader;

    enum            /* Where this object came from.  */
    lt_executable,      /* The main executable program.  */
    lt_library,     /* Library needed by main executable.  */
    lt_loaded       /* Extra run-time loaded shared object.  */
      } l_type:2;
    /* Start and finish of memory map for this object.  l_map_start
       need not be the same as l_addr.  */
    ElfW(Addr) l_map_start, l_map_end;
    /* End of the executable part of the mapping.  */
    ElfW(Addr) l_text_end;
    /* List of object in order of the init and fini calls.  */
    struct link_map **l_initfini;

    /* List of the dependencies introduced through symbol binding.  */
    struct link_map_reldeps
    unsigned int act;
    struct link_map *list[];
      } *l_reldeps;
    unsigned int l_reldepsmax;

    /* Nonzero if the DSO is used.  */
    unsigned int l_used;

What follows is the entry point of the ld executable, i.e. where the kernel sets the real start point of the executable

/* This is a list of all the modes the dynamic loader can be in.  */
enum mode { normal, list, verify, trace };
static void
dl_main (const ElfW(Phdr) *phdr,
     ElfW(Word) phnum,
     ElfW(Addr) *user_entry,
     ElfW(auxv_t) *auxv)
    bool rtld_is_main = false;

  if (*user_entry == (ElfW(Addr)) ENTRY_POINT)                              [1]
      /* Ho ho.  We are not the program interpreter!  We are the program
     itself!  This means someone ran as a command.  Well, that
     might be convenient to do sometimes.  We support it by
     interpreting the args like this: PROGRAM ARGS...
     rtld_is_main = true;

      /* Create a link_map for the executable itself.
     This will be what dlopen on "" returns.  */
      main_map = _dl_new_object ((char *) "", "", lt_executable, NULL,
                 __RTLD_OPENEXEC, LM_ID_BASE);
      assert (main_map != NULL);
      main_map->l_phdr = phdr;
      main_map->l_phnum = phnum;
      main_map->l_entry = *user_entry;

  /* Scan the program header table for the dynamic section.  */              [2]
  for (ph = phdr; ph < &phdr[phnum]; ++ph)
    switch (ph->p_type)
      case PT_PHDR:
    /* Find out the load address.  */
    main_map->l_addr = (ElfW(Addr)) phdr - ph->p_vaddr;
      case PT_DYNAMIC:
    /* This tells us where to find the dynamic section,
       which tells us everything we need to do.  */
    main_map->l_ld = (void *) main_map->l_addr + ph->p_vaddr;
  if (! rtld_is_main)
       /* Extract the contents of the dynamic section for easy access.  */
       elf_get_dynamic_info (main_map, NULL);                                [X]
       /* Set up our cache of pointers into the hash table.  */
       _dl_setup_hash (main_map);
  /* Load all the libraries specified by DT_NEEDED entries.  If LD_PRELOAD
     specified some libraries to load, these are inserted before the actual
     dependencies in the executable's searchlist for symbol resolution.  */
  _dl_map_object_deps (main_map, preloads, npreloads, mode == trace, 0);     [3]
  if (__builtin_expect (mode, normal) != normal)
      _exit (0);
  if (prelinked)
  else                                                                        [4]
      /* Now we have all the objects loaded.  Relocate them all except for
     the dynamic linker itself.  We do this in reverse order so that copy
     relocs of earlier objects overwrite the data written by later
     objects.  We do not re-relocate the dynamic linker itself in this
     loop because that could result in the GOT entries for functions we
     call being changed, and that would break us.  It is safe to relocate
     the dynamic linker out of order because it has no copy relocs (we
     know that because it is self-contained).  */
      unsigned i = main_map->l_searchlist.r_nlist;
      while (i-- > 0)
      struct link_map *l = main_map->l_initfini[i];
      if (l != &GL(dl_rtld_map))
        _dl_relocate_object (l, l->l_scope, GLRO(dl_lazy) ? RTLD_LAZY : 0,     [5]

At [1] there is a check if the loader has been called explicitely from command line (not our case) or by the kernel, then it starts to load the link map with the basic info from the executable ([2]) and finally use the DT_NEEDED segment to load the shared libraries the executable depends on at [3].

After that is possible to relocate all the undefined symbols if there is not prelinking ([4]) using the _dl_relocate_object() function at [5].

Note: at [X] the loader reads the entries inside the dinamic section (DT_FLAG for example :)).

The shared libraries dependencies take the following path:

_dl_map_object_deps (struct link_map *map,
             struct link_map **preloads, unsigned int npreloads,
             int trace_mode, int open_mode)
  struct list *known = __alloca (sizeof *known * (1 + npreloads + 1));
  struct list *runp, *tail;
  /* First load MAP itself.  */
  preload (known, &nlist, map);
  for (runp = known; runp; )
      struct link_map *l = runp->map;
      if (l->l_info[DT_NEEDED] || l->l_info[AUXTAG] || l->l_info[FILTERTAG])
      for (d = l->l_ld; d->d_tag != DT_NULL; ++d)
        if (__builtin_expect (d->d_tag, DT_NEEDED) == DT_NEEDED)
        /* Map in the needed object.  */
        struct link_map *dep;

        /* Recognize DSTs.  */
        name = expand_dst (l, strtab + d->d_un.d_val, 0);
        /* Store the tag in the argument structure.  */ = name;

        int err = _dl_catch_exception (&exception, openaux, &args);
          dep = args.aux;

        if (! dep->l_reserved)
            /* Allocate new entry.  */
            struct list *newp;

            newp = alloca (sizeof (struct list));

            /* Append DEP to the list.  */
            newp->map = dep;
            newp->done = 0;
            newp->next = NULL;
            tail->next = newp;
            tail = newp;
            /* Set the mark bit that says it's already in the list.  */
            dep->l_reserved = 1;

        /* Remember this dependency.  */
        if (needed != NULL)
          needed[nneeded++] = dep;
        } else ... {

      /* Terminate the list of dependencies and store the array address.  */
      if (needed != NULL)
      needed[nneeded++] = NULL;

      struct link_map **l_initfini = (struct link_map **)
        malloc ((2 * nneeded + 1) * sizeof needed[0]);
      if (l_initfini == NULL)
          scratch_buffer_free (&needed_space);
          _dl_signal_error (ENOMEM, map->l_name, NULL,
                N_("cannot allocate dependency list"));
      l_initfini[0] = l;
      memcpy (&l_initfini[1], needed, nneeded * sizeof needed[0]);
      memcpy (&l_initfini[nneeded + 1], l_initfini,
          nneeded * sizeof needed[0]);
      atomic_write_barrier ();
      l->l_initfini = l_initfini;
      l->l_free_initfini = 1;


and using a wrapper are going to call elf/dl-load.c:openaux()

static void
openaux (void *a)
  struct openaux_args *args = (struct openaux_args *) a;

  args->aux = _dl_map_object (args->map, args->name,
                  (args->map->l_type == lt_executable
                   ? lt_library : args->map->l_type),
                  args->trace_mode, args->open_mode,

that calls _dl_map_object()

/* Map in the shared object file NAME.  */

struct link_map *
_dl_map_object (struct link_map *loader, const char *name,
        int type, int trace_mode, int mode, Lmid_t nsid)
  <this code deals with the library search path and opens up a file descriptor fd>
  void *stack_end = __libc_stack_end;
  return _dl_map_object_from_fd (name, origname, fd, &fb, realname, loader,
                 type, mode, &stack_end, nsid);

and finally the most important function elf/dl-load.c:_dl_map_object_from_fd(): it parses the segments and sets what is necessary in the link_map struct

struct link_map *
_dl_map_object_from_fd (const char *name, const char *origname, int fd,
            struct filebuf *fbp, char *realname,
            struct link_map *loader, int l_type, int mode,
            void **stack_endp, Lmid_t nsid)
  /* Print debugging message.  */
  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
    _dl_debug_printf ("file=%s [%lu];  generating link map\n", name, nsid);

  /* This is the ELF header.  We read it in `open_verify'.  */
  header = (void *) fbp->buf;
  /* Extract the remaining details we need from the ELF header
     and then read in the program header table.  */
  l->l_entry = header->e_entry;
  type = header->e_type;
  l->l_phnum = header->e_phnum;

  maplength = header->e_phnum * sizeof (ElfW(Phdr));
  if (header->e_phoff + maplength <= (size_t) fbp->len)
    phdr = (void *) (fbp->buf + header->e_phoff);
      phdr = alloca (maplength);
    /* Scan the program header table, collecting its load commands.  */
    for (ph = phdr; ph < &phdr[l->l_phnum]; ++ph)
      switch (ph->p_type)
    case PT_PHDR:
      l->l_phdr = (void *) ph->p_vaddr;

    case PT_LOAD:
      /* A load command tells us to map in part of the file.
         We record the load commands and process them all later.  */

      struct loadcmd *c = &loadcmds[nloadcmds++];
      c->mapstart = ALIGN_DOWN (ph->p_vaddr, GLRO(dl_pagesize));
      c->mapend = ALIGN_UP (ph->p_vaddr + ph->p_filesz, GLRO(dl_pagesize));
      c->dataend = ph->p_vaddr + ph->p_filesz;
      c->allocend = ph->p_vaddr + ph->p_memsz;
      c->mapoff = ALIGN_DOWN (ph->p_offset, GLRO(dl_pagesize));

      /* Determine whether there is a gap between the last segment
         and this one.  */
      if (nloadcmds > 1 && c[-1].mapend != c->mapstart)
        has_holes = true;
    case PT_GNU_STACK:
      stack_flags = ph->p_flags;

    case PT_GNU_RELRO:
      l->l_relro_addr = ph->p_vaddr;
      l->l_relro_size = ph->p_memsz;


    /* Now process the load commands and map segments into memory.
       This is responsible for filling in:
       l_map_start, l_map_end, l_addr, l_contiguous, l_text_end, l_phdr
    errstring = _dl_map_segments (l, fd, header, type, loadcmds, nloadcmds,
                  maplength, has_holes, loader);

Finally in elf/dl-map-segments.h the code "allocates the memory" for the needed segments

/* This implementation assumes (as does the corresponding implementation
   of _dl_unmap_segments, in dl-unmap-segments.h) that shared objects
   are always laid out with all segments contiguous (or with gaps
   between them small enough that it's preferable to reserve all whole
   pages inside the gaps with PROT_NONE mappings rather than permitting
   other use of those parts of the address space).  */

static __always_inline const char *
_dl_map_segments (struct link_map *l, int fd,
                  const ElfW(Ehdr) *header, int type,
                  const struct loadcmd loadcmds[], size_t nloadcmds,
                  const size_t maplength, bool has_holes,
                  struct link_map *loader)
  const struct loadcmd *c = loadcmds;

  if (__glibc_likely (type == ET_DYN))
      /* This is a position-independent shared object.  We can let the
         kernel map it anywhere it likes, but we must have space for all
         the segments in their specified positions relative to the first.
         So we map the first segment without MAP_FIXED, but with its
         extent increased to cover all the segments.  Then we remove
         access from excess portion, and there is known sufficient space
         there to remap from the later segments.

         As a refinement, sometimes we have an address that we would
         prefer to map such objects at; but this is only a preference,
         the OS can do whatever it likes. */
      ElfW(Addr) mappref
        = (ELF_PREFERRED_ADDRESS (loader, maplength,
                                  c->mapstart & GLRO(dl_use_load_bias))
           - MAP_BASE_ADDR (l));

      /* Remember which part of the address space this object uses.  */
      l->l_map_start = (ElfW(Addr)) __mmap ((void *) mappref, maplength,
                                            fd, c->mapoff);
      if (__glibc_unlikely ((void *) l->l_map_start == MAP_FAILED))

      l->l_map_end = l->l_map_start + maplength;
      l->l_addr = l->l_map_start - c->mapstart;

      if (has_holes)
          /* Change protection on the excess portion to disallow all access;
             the portions we do not remap later will be inaccessible as if
             unallocated.  Then jump into the normal segment-mapping loop to
             handle the portion of the segment past the end of the file
             mapping.  */
          if (__glibc_unlikely
              (__mprotect ((caddr_t) (l->l_addr + c->mapend),
                           loadcmds[nloadcmds - 1].mapstart - c->mapend,
                           PROT_NONE) < 0))

      l->l_contiguous = 1;

      goto postmap;

  /* Remember which part of the address space this object uses.  */
  l->l_map_start = c->mapstart + l->l_addr;
  l->l_map_end = l->l_map_start + maplength;
  l->l_contiguous = !has_holes;

  while (c < &loadcmds[nloadcmds])
      if (c->mapend > c->mapstart
          /* Map the segment contents from the file.  */
          && (__mmap ((void *) (l->l_addr + c->mapstart),
                      c->mapend - c->mapstart, c->prot,
                      fd, c->mapoff)
              == MAP_FAILED))

      _dl_postprocess_loadcmd (l, header, c);

      if (c->allocend > c->dataend)
          /* Extra zero pages should appear at the end of this segment,
             after the data mapped from the file.   */
          ElfW(Addr) zero, zeroend, zeropage;

          zero = l->l_addr + c->dataend;
          zeroend = l->l_addr + c->allocend;
          zeropage = ((zero + GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)
                      & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1));

          if (zeroend < zeropage)
            /* All the extra data is in the last page of the segment.
               We can just zero it.  */
            zeropage = zeroend;

          if (zeropage > zero)
              /* Zero the final part of the last page of the segment.  */
              if (__glibc_unlikely ((c->prot & PROT_WRITE) == 0))
                  /* Dag nab it.  */
                  if (__mprotect ((caddr_t) (zero
                                             & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)),
                                  GLRO(dl_pagesize), c->prot|PROT_WRITE) < 0)
                    return DL_MAP_SEGMENTS_ERROR_MPROTECT;
              memset ((void *) zero, '\0', zeropage - zero);
              if (__glibc_unlikely ((c->prot & PROT_WRITE) == 0))
                __mprotect ((caddr_t) (zero & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)),
                            GLRO(dl_pagesize), c->prot);

          if (zeroend > zeropage)
              /* Map the remaining zero pages in from the zero fill FD.  */
              caddr_t mapat;
              mapat = __mmap ((caddr_t) zeropage, zeroend - zeropage,
                              c->prot, MAP_ANON|MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED,
                              -1, 0);
              if (__glibc_unlikely (mapat == MAP_FAILED))
                return DL_MAP_SEGMENTS_ERROR_MAP_ZERO_FILL;


  /* Notify ELF_PREFERRED_ADDRESS that we have to load this one
     fixed.  */
  ELF_FIXED_ADDRESS (loader, c->mapstart);

  return NULL;

Symbols and relocation

Now we have the libraries the executable depends on, with their segments loaded in their own addresses; at this point we need to fix the references between objects and this process is called relocation.

Relocation is the process of connecting symbolic references with symbolic definitions.

The process of relocation can happen in two steps:

  1. at loading time in which the loader relocates symbols related to global objects (think of extern like variable) and functions related to the initizialition/termination procedure of the executable (and dependent libraries)
  2. at runtime; for performance reason some functions are resolved dynamically by a so called procedure linkage table (PLT).

While the first step happens always, the second case depends on different cases: primarly can be influcenced for example by the BIND_NOW environment variable that tells the loader to resolve immediately all the relocations; the default is the opposite and it is called lazy binding; moreover if DT_FLAG dynamic entry has value DF_BIND_NOW then we are in FULL_RELRO!

The ELF format has its own datatype for the relocation

typedef struct {
    Elf32_Addr r_offset;
    Elf32_Word r_info;
} Elf32_Rel;

typedef struct {
    Elf32_Addr r_offset;
    Elf32_Word r_info;
    Elf32_Sword r_addend;
} Elf32_Rela;
Field Description
r_offset offset at which apply the relocation action
r_info the first 8bit give the relocation type, the remaining the simbol index
r_addend constant value to add during the relocation final address calculation

Note: the relocation concept is also used a compile time by the so called (by the specification) linker editor: when you compile the source code to obtain .o files, the calls and the references have to be linked together in the final executable file; there is no dynamic segment here but the relocation are indicated by the section of type SH_RELA.

The linker, to resolve the relocations, looks at the DT_PLTREL dynamic segment entry type that indicates which kind of relocation the executable needs (REL or RELA), then it looks for the corresponding relocations entries (DT_REL or DT_RELA).

What is missing from the picture are the symbols, defined with the following datatype

typedef struct {
    Elf64_Word st_name;
    unsigned char st_info;
    unsigned char st_other;
    Elf64_Half st_shndx;
    Elf64_Addr st_value;
    Elf64_Xword st_size;
} Efl64_Sym;
Name Description
st_name index inside the corresponding string table
st_info symbol bind and type attributes
st_other symbol visibility
st_shndx section this symbol refers to
st_value can indicate a section offset (ET_REL) or a virtual address (ET_EXEC/ET_DYN)
st_size symbol's size

The symbols, in particular the name of the symbols, are the interface by which the loader is capable to connecting the libraries between them.

Note: an ELF file can have two symbol tables, one for the dynamic linking that cannot be removed and one for the compilation linking; each has its own string table.

  • .symtab for the local symbols with table .strtab
  • .dynsym for the dynamic symbols with string table in .dynstr

Runtime relocations

Once the loader has completed its job and all the segments are mapped and the execution is passed to the executable something remains to do.

When I introduced the dynamic segment I talked about the procedure linkage table and the global offset table, now it's the moment to explain a little bit more!

The relocation, roughly speaking, consists on "writing somewhere" the actual address of references, since it's possible to do that "lazily" the designer of the format came up with this mechanism: look at one example of PLT and GOT

$ objdump -j .plt -d public/code/simplest_excalation 

public/code/simplest_excalation:     formato del file elf32-i386

Disassemblamento della sezione .plt:

08049030 <.plt>:
 8049030:       ff 35 04 c0 04 08       pushl  0x804c004
 8049036:       ff 25 08 c0 04 08       jmp    *0x804c008
 804903c:       00 00                   add    %al,(%eax)

08049040 <printf@plt>:
 8049040:       ff 25 0c c0 04 08       jmp    *0x804c00c
 8049046:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
 804904b:       e9 e0 ff ff ff          jmp    8049030 <.plt>

08049050 <gets@plt>:
 8049050:       ff 25 10 c0 04 08       jmp    *0x804c010
 8049056:       68 08 00 00 00          push   $0x8
 804905b:       e9 d0 ff ff ff          jmp    8049030 <.plt>

08049060 <__libc_start_main@plt>:
 8049060:       ff 25 14 c0 04 08       jmp    *0x804c014
 8049066:       68 10 00 00 00          push   $0x10
 804906b:       e9 c0 ff ff ff          jmp    8049030 <.plt>

08049070 <putchar@plt>:
 8049070:       ff 25 18 c0 04 08       jmp    *0x804c018
 8049076:       68 18 00 00 00          push   $0x18
 804907b:       e9 b0 ff ff ff          jmp    8049030 <.plt>
$ objdump -j .got.plt -d public/code/simplest_excalation

public/code/simplest_excalation:     formato del file elf32-i386

Disassemblamento della sezione .got.plt:

 804c000:       14 bf 04 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 90 04 08     ............F...
 804c010:       56 90 04 08 66 90 04 08 76 90 04 08                 V...f...v...

As you can see the scheme is the following (take in mind that the entry point is the whatever@plt label)

   pushl GOT + 4
   jmp *(GOT + 8) i.e. loader


    jmp *(GOT + index)
    push index
    jmp .plt

When a function is called the first time via the PLT, the address at GOT + index contains the address of the next instruction that follows (i.e. push index) and then jump to .plt; from there some data is passed in order to call the loader resolution function. At the end of the process GOT + index will contain the real relocated address so that the following calls will be directly executed.

Take in mind that the GOT has some "values" reserved for internal use:

  • GOT[0]: the dynamic segment address (i.e. _DYNAMIC)
  • GOT[1]: A pointer to an internal data structure, of type link_map, which is used internally by the dynamic loader and contains information about the current ELF object needed to carry out symbol resolution.
  • GOT[2]: A pointer to a function of the dynamic loader, called _dl_runtime_resolve().

In summary, PLT entries basically perform the following function call: _dl_runtime_resolve(link_map_obj , reloc_index)

Linker's code path for relocations

Now let's take a look what the linker does to obtain what I have just described:

/* Search loaded objects' symbol tables for a definition of the symbol
   UNDEF_NAME, perhaps with a requested version for the symbol.

   We must never have calls to the audit functions inside this function
   or in any function which gets called.  If this would happen the audit
   code might create a thread which can throw off all the scope locking.  */
_dl_lookup_symbol_x (const char *undef_name, struct link_map *undef_map,
             const ElfW(Sym) **ref,
             struct r_scope_elem *symbol_scope[],
             const struct r_found_version *version,
             int type_class, int flags, struct link_map *skip_map)
  struct r_scope_elem **scope = symbol_scope;
  /* Search the relevant loaded objects for a definition.  */
  for (size_t start = i; *scope != NULL; start = 0, ++scope)
      int res = do_lookup_x (undef_name, new_hash, &old_hash, *ref,
                 &current_value, *scope, start, version, flags,
                 skip_map, type_class, undef_map);
      if (res > 0)

/* Inner part of the lookup functions.  We return a value > 0 if we
   found the symbol, the value 0 if nothing is found and < 0 if
   something bad happened.  */
static int
do_lookup_x (const char *undef_name, uint_fast32_t new_hash,
         unsigned long int *old_hash, const ElfW(Sym) *ref,
         struct sym_val *result, struct r_scope_elem *scope, size_t i,
         const struct r_found_version *const version, int flags,
         struct link_map *skip, int type_class, struct link_map *undef_map)
  size_t n = scope->r_nlist;
  struct link_map **list = scope->r_list;
      const struct link_map *map = list[i]->l_real;
      /* Print some debugging info if wanted.  */
      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS))
    _dl_debug_printf ("symbol=%s;  lookup in file=%s [%lu]\n",
              undef_name, DSO_FILENAME (map->l_name),
            sym = check_match (undef_name, ref, version, flags,        [1]
                       type_class, &symtab[symidx], symidx,
                       strtab, map, &versioned_sym,
            if (sym != NULL)
              goto found_it;
  while (++i < n);

[1] is the real symbol retrieving implementation (the complete code is wrapped around the hash table related indexing).

From now on the code is pretty polluted by macros and is a little hard to understand.

The following code is from elf/dl-runtime.c and it's responsible for the actual process of relocation:

_dl_relocate_object (struct link_map *l, struct r_scope_elem *scope[],
             int reloc_mode, int consider_profiling)
  if (l->l_relocated)

  /* DT_TEXTREL is now in level 2 and might phase out at some time.
     But we rewrite the DT_FLAGS entry to a DT_TEXTREL entry to make
     testing easier and therefore it will be available at all time.  */
  if (__glibc_unlikely (l->l_info[DT_TEXTREL] != NULL))
    /* Do the actual relocation of the object's GOT and other data.  */

    /* String table object symbols.  */
    const char *strtab = (const void *) D_PTR (l, l_info[DT_STRTAB]);
    /* This macro is used as a callback from the ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE code.  */
#define RESOLVE_MAP(ref, version, r_type) \

#include "dynamic-link.h"

    ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE (l, lazy, consider_profiling, skip_ifunc);

  /* Mark the object so we know this work has been done.  */
  l->l_relocated = 1;


   /* In case we can protect the data now that the relocations are
     done, do it.  */
  if (l->l_relro_size != 0)
    _dl_protect_relro (l);

At the end you can see where happens the read-only protection to the relocation

_dl_protect_relro (struct link_map *l)
  ElfW(Addr) start = ALIGN_DOWN((l->l_addr
                 + l->l_relro_addr),
  ElfW(Addr) end = ALIGN_DOWN((l->l_addr
                   + l->l_relro_addr
                   + l->l_relro_size),
  if (start != end
      && __mprotect ((void *) start, end - start, PROT_READ) < 0)
      static const char errstring[] = N_("\
cannot apply additional memory protection after relocation");
      _dl_signal_error (errno, l->l_name, NULL, errstring);

Indeed with partial RELRO, the non-PLT part of the GOT section (.got from readelf output) is read only but .got.plt is still writeable. Whereas in complete RELRO, the entire GOT (.got and .got.plt both) is marked as read-only.

The segment with type GNU_RELRO indicate which part of the memory must be set read only after relocation. Moreover if this is set then DT_DEBUG entry contains the pointer to the r_debug variable holding the link_map reference.

Here instead the macros that actually relocate are showed in their full form:

/* This can't just be an inline function because GCC is too dumb
   to inline functions containing inlines themselves.  */
# define ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE(map, lazy, consider_profile, skip_ifunc) \
  do {                                        \
    int edr_lazy = elf_machine_runtime_setup ((map), (lazy),              \
                          (consider_profile));        \
    ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_REL ((map), edr_lazy, skip_ifunc);                 \
    ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELA ((map), edr_lazy, skip_ifunc);                \
  } while (0)
#  define ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_REL(map, lazy, skip_ifunc) \
  _ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELOC (REL, Rel, map, lazy, skip_ifunc, _ELF_CHECK_REL)

#  define ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELA(map, lazy, skip_ifunc) \
  _ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELOC (RELA, Rela, map, lazy, skip_ifunc, _ELF_CHECK_REL)

/* On some machines, notably SPARC, DT_REL* includes DT_JMPREL in its
   range.  Note that according to the ELF spec, this is completely legal!

   We are guarenteed that we have one of three situations.  Either DT_JMPREL
   comes immediately after DT_REL*, or there is overlap and DT_JMPREL
   consumes precisely the very end of the DT_REL*, or DT_JMPREL and DT_REL*
   are completely separate and there is a gap between them.  */

# define _ELF_DYNAMIC_DO_RELOC(RELOC, reloc, map, do_lazy, skip_ifunc, test_rel) \
  do {                                        \
    struct { ElfW(Addr) start, size;                          \
         __typeof (((ElfW(Dyn) *) 0)->d_un.d_val) nrelative; int lazy; }  \
      ranges[2] = { { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } };                 \
    if ((map)->l_info[DT_##RELOC])                        \
      {                                       \
    ranges[0].start = D_PTR ((map), l_info[DT_##RELOC]);              \
    ranges[0].size = (map)->l_info[DT_##RELOC##SZ]->d_un.d_val;       \
    if (map->l_info[VERSYMIDX (DT_##RELOC##COUNT)] != NULL)           \
      ranges[0].nrelative                             \
        = map->l_info[VERSYMIDX (DT_##RELOC##COUNT)]->d_un.d_val;         \
      }                                       \
    if ((map)->l_info[DT_PLTREL]                          \
    && (!test_rel || (map)->l_info[DT_PLTREL]->d_un.d_val == DT_##RELOC)) \
      {                                       \
    ElfW(Addr) start = D_PTR ((map), l_info[DT_JMPREL]);              \
    ElfW(Addr) size = (map)->l_info[DT_PLTRELSZ]->d_un.d_val;         \
    if (ranges[0].start + ranges[0].size == (start + size))           \
      ranges[0].size -= size;                         \
    if (ELF_DURING_STARTUP                            \
        || (!(do_lazy)                            \
        && (ranges[0].start + ranges[0].size) == start))          \
      {                                   \
        /* Combine processing the sections.  */               \
        ranges[0].size += size;                       \
      }                                   \
    else                                      \
      {                                   \
        ranges[1].start = start;                          \
        ranges[1].size = size;                        \
        ranges[1].lazy = (do_lazy);                       \
      }                                   \
      }                                       \
    if (ELF_DURING_STARTUP)                           \
      elf_dynamic_do_##reloc ((map), ranges[0].start, ranges[0].size,         \
                  ranges[0].nrelative, 0, skip_ifunc);        \
    else                                      \
      {                                       \
    int ranges_index;                             \
    for (ranges_index = 0; ranges_index < 2; ++ranges_index)          \
      elf_dynamic_do_##reloc ((map),                      \
                  ranges[ranges_index].start,             \
                  ranges[ranges_index].size,              \
                  ranges[ranges_index].nrelative,         \
                  ranges[ranges_index].lazy,              \
                  skip_ifunc);                    \
      }                                       \
  } while (0)

At the end of the day they simply call elf_dynamic_do_Rel() and elf_machine_runtime_setup() and it's here that finally the loader fills the GOT with the value needed in order to be able to do runtime relocation.

Note: this is code highly architecture-dependent!

Note2: there is a specific data structure struct linkmap_machine in the field l_mach

/* Set up the loaded object described by L so its unrelocated PLT
   entries will jump to the on-demand fixup code in dl-runtime.c.  */

static inline int __attribute__ ((unused, always_inline))
elf_machine_runtime_setup (struct link_map *l, int lazy, int profile)
  Elf64_Addr *got;
  if (l->l_info[DT_JMPREL] && lazy)
      /* The GOT entries for functions in the PLT have not yet been filled
     in.  Their initial contents will arrange when called to push an
     offset into the .rel.plt section, push _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_[1],
     and then jump to _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_[2].  */
      got = (Elf64_Addr *) D_PTR (l, l_info[DT_PLTGOT]);
      /* If a library is prelinked but we have to relocate anyway,
     we have to be able to undo the prelinking of .got.plt.
     The prelinker saved us here address of .plt + 0x16.  */
      if (got[1])
      l->l_mach.plt = got[1] + l->l_addr;
      l->l_mach.gotplt = (ElfW(Addr)) &got[3];
      /* Identify this shared object.  */
      *(ElfW(Addr) *) (got + 1) = (ElfW(Addr)) l;

      /* The got[2] entry contains the address of a function which gets
     called to get the address of a so far unresolved function and
     jump to it.  The profiling extension of the dynamic linker allows
     to intercept the calls to collect information.  In this case we
     don't store the address in the GOT so that all future calls also
     end in this function.  */
      if (__glibc_unlikely (profile))
      /* This function will get called to fix up the GOT entry
         indicated by the offset on the stack, and then jump to
         the resolved address.  */
      if (GLRO(dl_x86_cpu_features).xsave_state_size != 0)
        *(ElfW(Addr) *) (got + 2)
          = (HAS_ARCH_FEATURE (XSAVEC_Usable)
         ? (ElfW(Addr)) &_dl_runtime_resolve_xsavec
         : (ElfW(Addr)) &_dl_runtime_resolve_xsave);
        *(ElfW(Addr) *) (got + 2)
          = (ElfW(Addr)) &_dl_runtime_resolve_fxsave;


/* Perform the relocations in MAP on the running program image as specified
   by RELTAG, SZTAG.  If LAZY is nonzero, this is the first pass on PLT
   relocations; they should be set up to call _dl_runtime_resolve, rather
   than fully resolved now.  */

auto inline void __attribute__ ((always_inline))
elf_dynamic_do_Rel (struct link_map *map,
            ElfW(Addr) reladdr, ElfW(Addr) relsize,
            __typeof (((ElfW(Dyn) *) 0)->d_un.d_val) nrelative,
            int lazy, int skip_ifunc)
  const ElfW(Rel) *r = (const void *) reladdr;
  const ElfW(Rel) *end = (const void *) (reladdr + relsize);
  ElfW(Addr) l_addr = map->l_addr;

      for (; r < end; ++r)
          ElfW(Half) ndx = version[ELFW(R_SYM) (r->r_info)] & 0x7fff;
          elf_machine_rel (map, r, &symtab[ELFW(R_SYM) (r->r_info)],
                   (void *) (l_addr + r->r_offset), skip_ifunc);



By the way, if you want to see the trace of the process just described you can use the LD_DEBUG environment variable to set the loader in debug mode

$ LD_DEBUG=libs,bindings,files,symbols id
     14911:     WARNING: Unsupported flag value(s) of 0x8000000 in DT_FLAGS_1.
     14911: [0];  needed by id [0]
     14911:     find [0]; searching
     14911:      search cache=/etc/
     14911:       trying file=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
     14911: [0];  generating link map
     14911:       dynamic: 0x00007f875d1d2d30  base: 0x00007f875cfae000   size: 0x0000000000227ab0
     14911:         entry: 0x00007f875cfb4b40  phdr: 0x00007f875cfae040  phnum:                  8
     14911: [0];  needed by id [0]
     14911:     find [0]; searching
     14911:      search cache=/etc/
     14911:       trying file=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
     14911: [0];  generating link map
     14911:       dynamic: 0x00007f875cfa7b80  base: 0x00007f875cded000   size: 0x00000000001c0800
     14911:         entry: 0x00007f875ce111b0  phdr: 0x00007f875cded040  phnum:                 12
     14911: [0];  needed by /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0]
     14911:     find [0]; searching
     14911:      search cache=/etc/
     14911:       trying file=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
     14911:     symbol=_res;  lookup in file=id [0]
     14911:     symbol=_res;  lookup in file=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0]
     14911:     symbol=_res;  lookup in file=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0]
     14911:     binding file /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0] to /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0]: normal symbol `_res' [GLIBC_2.2.5]
     14911:     symbol=_ITM_registerTMCloneTable;  lookup in file=id [0]
     14911:     symbol=_ITM_registerTMCloneTable;  lookup in file=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0]
     14911:     symbol=_ITM_registerTMCloneTable;  lookup in file=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0]
     14911:     symbol=_ITM_registerTMCloneTable;  lookup in file=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0]
     14911:     symbol=_ITM_registerTMCloneTable;  lookup in file=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0]
     14911:     symbol=_ITM_registerTMCloneTable;  lookup in file=/lib64/ [0]
     14911:     symbol=_ITM_registerTMCloneTable;  lookup in file=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0]

If you want to know, the options that are available are the following:

Valid options for the LD_DEBUG environment variable are:

  libs        display library search paths
  reloc       display relocation processing
  files       display progress for input file
  symbols     display symbol table processing
  bindings    display information about symbol binding
  versions    display version dependencies
  scopes      display scope information
  all         all previous options combined
  statistics  display relocation statistics
  unused      determined unused DSOs
  help        display this help message and exit

To direct the debugging output into a file instead of standard output
a filename can be specified using the LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT environment variable

If you want to use a debugger and see live what happens, the real cool trick is to use the starti command inside gdb: it stops at the first instruction after the kernel exec, i.e. in the loader!

Moreover, if you want to compile yourself some fine-tuned executable, this is an example with gcc

$ gcc -Wall \
    public/code/simplest_excalation.c \
    -o public/code/simplest_excalation \


All fine and good, but you know, kids these days have computers with more than one processor and it is possible to launch multiple threads inside a single process, then how is possible to handle data


And now?

A part from being an exercise in understanding, the reader could ask "what's the aim of knowning the internal of the loading executable?" well, first of all it allows the developer to remove the layer of magic from a given process.

Moreover, depending of your field of interest, I assure you that is rewarding seeing: if you are a developer you know where to look if a library, a symbol, is not found at runtime, if you are an exploit researcher you can discover that the dynamic section is writable and with no pie executable is possible to overwrite the fini pointer and this allows one-shot exploit also in 64 bit architectures.

Further links


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